February 7

How to Activate the Promises of God in Your Life (And Keep Them)


Are You Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?

How to Activate the Promises of God in Your Life 

If God’s Promises Are Not Your Reality, Chances Are You Haven’t Activated Them Yet

Use this Simple yet Profound Secret to Be Prosperous and Successful In Everything You Do

How many of you know that God’s promises are yes and amen?

All of us do that.

But why do others see a full-blown measure of those promises in their lives while we don’t even see a fraction of it?

The general attitude Christians have is this:

“If a promise is written in the Bible, it’s for me and it should just happen.”

Did you catch yourself thinking that? Not once but several times.

If God’s promises are not the truth of your life, you’re missing out on…

the countless blessings God has to offer.

Whether it’s your health, finances, relationships, business, jobs or any other area of your life, you can activate God’s promises with the following keys.

These concepts don’t characterize meditating on the scriptures at all.
Use this Simple yet Profound Secret to Be Prosperous and Successful In Everything You Do
What Exactly Is Meditating On Scripture?

Keys to Activating God’s Promises in Your Life

Ready to Start Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

1. Confess with Your Mouth

The first key is to confess the promises of God with your mouth. The word “confess” in Romans 10:9 means “to speak or to agree with.

In simple words it means to agree with God with our mouth in speaking blessings over each area of our lives.

“You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” Job 22:2

2. Believe in Your Heart

Confessing the promises of God won’t become your reality in a split second. Why?

Because it’s not just about paying lip service to what God has promised but at it’s core you need to believe in your heart what your mouth is saying.

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9: 23

Just imagine…

Everything is possible with God when we trust Him and lean on Him instead of our own understanding and desires.

Ready to Activate God’s Promises in Your Life Starting Today?

The above-mentioned keys when combined have the power to activate any promise of God in your life.

With MemLok you get the opportunity to memorize and retain all the promises of God written in the Bible.

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P.S. - The MemLok Mobile App is now available in five Bible versions.
It’s our deepest desire that you learn to focus on God’s word so you can achieve success in your life.
Ready to Start Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?
In simple words, meditating on scripture is about speaking to God and hearing Him through His word.
What Exactly Is Meditating On Scripture?


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