Light and darkness do not dwell together. Let Jesus, the light of the world, enter your soul so darkness cannot exist.
If Your Goal Setting Process Doesn’t Include God’s Wisdom, You Can’t Guarantee Success in Life
When the Israelite’s were in the wilderness for 40 years, God gave them manna to alleviate the scarcity of food. Psalm 78:24-25 referred to manna as…
What 40 Years in the Wilderness Taught the Israelites about Faith. When the Israelites were thrown out of Egypt, God made them wander….
When You Hope in God, No Matter Your Situation, Life’s Storms Can Turn Into a Breeze. Life can take a sudden shift. You may lose your dream job. A …
When You Use This Simple Yet Powerful Technique to Improve Your Focus, Your Life With God Will Get So Much Better.
You May Not Think You Can Change People’s Lives, But You Certainly Can By Using the Power of the Word of God.
God describes you as His masterpiece. He calls you His son and daughter. Do you believe God when He calls you His child or you keep thinking…
God has given the promise of eternal life to everyone. The real question is: Are you ready to claim it?Close your eyes for a moment and picture the place you will be as you take your last breath.What do you see?A simple answer: depends on the quality of your Christian life.How?
One Question. But It’s a Big One.MemLok Bible Memory System started out as my way of helping Christians to understand Scripture through scientifically proven memory techniques.While MemLok began 30 years ago, it has grown into something much bigger than all the memory notebooks, software, and mobile apps. It has become its own Bible ministry.