July 5

How to Overcome The Burdens of Life


How to Overcome The Burdens of Life

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In the Midst of Life’s problems, Put On God’s Yoke

Let me tell you a story.

A teacher, attempting to explain the meaning of the text “My yoke is easy,” asked her class, “Who can tell me what a yoke is?

One child said, “A yoke is something they put on the necks of animals.” “Good,” said the teacher, who then asked, “What is the yoke God puts on us?

A little girl responded, …

It is God putting His arms around our necks.


That is the story of God’s love for us — when we are beaten down and discouraged by all the troubles and the problems of life, God reaches us and puts His sustaining arm of strength around us.

Isn’t this amazing?

The yoke of God i.e. His arms around our necks is the most beautiful yoke indeed.

God’s Promise Gives Freedom From the Weight You Carry

In today’s age, many individuals are depressed and literally crushed by the burdens of everyday life even when the burden can easily be cast away.

You don’t need to feel buried by the weight of life’s problems for God has promised:

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalms 55:22

If you are discouraged and struggling in what seems to be an “uphill battle”, consider whether you have asked your Heavenly Father for help. Remember, “There’s nothing that will occur today that God and you together cannot handle.”

This is the secret of overcoming the difficulties of life.

Will You Hold God’s Hand to Overcome the Burdens of Life?

God is always inviting you to give him your burden. Whether it’s the burden of your past, broken relationships, failing health, deadly disease or anything else, no matter how big it is, you can give it to God.

Partner with Him to cast away this weight from your shoulders and wear a garland of God’s arms.

Be free from all burdens by holding God’s hand through His word. What He said yesterday, tells you for today and for your future will grant you freedom no matter how heavy your weight is.

Let His word sink deep inside your heart with MemLok standing by your side.

In your difficult moment we are available to help you tap into God’s promise of ultimate freedom, joy and peace.

This is a Bible app like no other. It helps you memorize scriptures as well as common topics to go through so you may be encouraged through the Word of God. I would absolutely recommend downloading today!! Your knowledge and understanding of scripture by the grace of God will be transformed! Wayne S

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