Bible Study vs. Bible Reading. What Do You Choose?

Group of people reading the Bible in a Bible Study group.

It’s not about reading just another book in your leisure time, but it’s about Bible study that can change your life altogether.

I hear you say: Bible reading is so "Every Day".

But do you know why many Christians think like that?

Admit it or not, we take Bible reading just like another task in a day.

It’s nothing else but one of a host of activities you face the minute you wake up! Shower, brush teeth, floss, eat, look after the family, fight the traffic, shop, do phone calls etc.

But let’s just stop for a second and rethink.

Is it about just reading the Word of God?

Surprisingly, it’s not.

And that’s the reason why considering it like any other task makes no sense.

Instead, focusing on what you read so you can apply it for your daily life is the purpose. Hence Bible study instead of Bible reading.

Take Your Daily Bread and Eat It

Like a newborn can't survive without eating so you cannot survive without eating God's Word.

It’s a daily need.

Ignore a baby for a while, a few hours, and they will be miserable. They will tell you by crying that they are hungry.

Similarly, ignoring God's Word will keep you from the strength and blessings you need to lead a life God desires for you.

Bible study, as opposed to Bible reading, concentrates on understanding what you read so you can apply it to your current situation or daily life.

That’s why it’s called daily bread.

Bible Study is an Invitation to Connect With God

When you focus on what you are reading, including online Bible study, you can see what God wants to say to you through His Word.

You begin hearing His voice comforting you just like David heard from God and wrote Psalms.

You begin seeing characters in the Bible like Joseph and Job living the struggles you face in your life. More important, you see how God intervened with miracles and signs and wonders.

Plus you unlock the promises of God to demonstrate in your life as you start applying God’s word to your life.

Isn’t that amazing?

Bible study is God’s daily invitation for you to see His forgiveness, His love, His peace, His joy and His blessings for your life.

And if you lead a Bible study group you open doors for others to build a relationship with Jesus.

Ready to Choose Bible Study Over Bible Reading?

Do it right away with MemLok.

Because partnering with us leads you to the road less traveled i.e. Bible Study.

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I know you are ready to choose Bible study over Bible reading.

Is literally a Bible school. Sidis n Nailah

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Sabita Saleem,
Contributing Author