June 20

Bible Memory Cards Use Your Artwork


Bible Memory Cards Use Your Artwork

By Drake Mariani, Founder, MemLok Bible Memory System

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Christian School uses MemLok Bible

Create Your Own Picture For Your Bible Memory Card

See the screenshot picture from a mobile phone above? It is from a current user of MemLok Bible Memory application. She is telling how fun this is to do. She is a very creative artist! 

One lady in Beth Moore's book of James study created her own pictures for every verse using Bible Memory by MemLok. And, it is possible to "share" these pictures with other MemLok users in the desktop version.

So, you can draw a picture. Then scan it to your mobile device or computer. This allows you to choose your new creation. Some people can remember better with their own picture.

Or, Use Your Camera To Take A Picture For Your Bible Memory Card

Just imagine your latest Bible Memory card popping up. And what do you see? This is so fun! You see one of your family members doing something that helps you remember the "first key words" of your Bible memory verse!

I am very glad I found this app. I have always wanted to memorize scripture but as a busy Mom of 5 it's tough to find the time. With this app, I can quickly review and work on it during any down time without having to get a bunch of materials out and ready. I have found that if something (like this app) is ready to go, I am more likely to do it. Thank you Drake for heading the Lord and making this app! Jen Thetford

More Personal Stories

Check out the MemLok store for special offers.
Some Legacy MemLok Notebooks still available. You know, memory "cards"!

NEW! MemLok Web app. Review anywhere you have Internet. MAC, Amazon Fire etc. Synchronized with your Mobile app.


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