April 15

Satan’s Lie About Heaven


Satan's Lie About Heaven

By Drake Mariani, Founder, MemLok Bible Memory System

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Satan's Lie About Heaven

Sometimes life can be challenging.

But in each challenge, God gives us lessons.

The path to heaven is not paved with gold. It can be narrow, treacherous, slippery, and at times, frustrating.

But the path to heaven is also filled with abundant blessings.

Think of Jesus as our guide on the path, and the Bible as our map.

When we fall down on the path, Jesus is there to help us back on our feet. When we stray off the path, He's there to give us a lesson which will make us stronger.

Christ did not die on the cross for our sins only to have us place a higher value on worldly things and not Him. The path is not a way to get people to heaven, It is a path to get people to God.

Satan's Lie: "Heaven is what you make it in this world."

God's Reply: "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place." - John 18:36 (NIV)

Today's motivation: "My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world." - Billy Graham

About Satan's Lies, God's Replies

Over 12 million people have completed MemLok reading plans on YouVersion (Bible.com), including "Satan's Lies, God's Replies". It's a 48 part Bible meditation reading plan. It is simple, short, and organized to help deal with statements the devil might throw a Christian's way. It is followed by one of God's replies from scripture.

A very useful app for memorising scripture, looking up context and making a note on each one. Mike K

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