January 24

How to Find God’s Will For Your Life


How to Find God’s Will For Your Life

Are You Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?

God’s Will For Your Life is Ordained Even Before You Were Born. You Just Need to Discover It

Use this Simple yet Profound Secret to Be Prosperous and Successful In Everything You Do

Do you keep asking this question over and over, “Why am I on this earth?”

If you do, you're not alone.

Many Christians are on the journey of finding their purpose for their lives. But unfortunately even after having God’s Word in front of them, they keep exploring otherwise.

Here’s the verse that clearly describes...

that God has ordained our days even before we were born.

Psalm 139:15-16 says

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

These concepts don’t characterize meditating on the scriptures at all.
Use this Simple yet Profound Secret to Be Prosperous and Successful In Everything You Do
What Exactly Is Meditating On Scripture?

Every Christian Has a General and a Specific Purpose

Ready to Start Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?

On a general level, we discover God’s will for us in the Bible. Take the 10 Commandments for example. Also, Jesus instructed us to love God and our neighbor in Mark 12:30-31.

However, we often ask God to tell us specific things like where to live, where to work, whom to marry… To know God’s will at a specific level, we need a personal relationship with Jesus and a regular fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

“When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.” Acts 16:7

Remember, God’s will gets revealed one step at a time instead of each and every thing getting opened in front of you right away.

Are You Ready to Discover God’s Will For Your Life?

Not only does the Word of God reveal His will for all men, including you, but also it gives you the nuggets to understand your specific will through the lives of the men and women in it.

The wisdom of God's Word will guide you to know what to do, when you need to know. 

MemLok is here to help you study and meditate on all the verses concerning God’s will.

Once you get on a treasure hunt, believe me, you won’t stop.

So, ready to discover God’s will for all areas of your life?

I love MemLok! This is Amazing. Can't wait to introduce this to my Grandchildren. Debbie

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P.S. - The MemLok Mobile App is now available in five Bible versions.
It’s our deepest desire that you learn to focus on God’s word so you can achieve success in your life.
Ready to Start Practicing Joshua's Secret Daily Ritual for Success?
In simple words, meditating on scripture is about speaking to God and hearing Him through His word.
What Exactly Is Meditating On Scripture?


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