Do You Worry There Might be A Better Way To Read The Bible?

Learn the Bible Using

"Visual Mnemonics"

Possibly the Easiest and Fastest Method to Learn the Bible and

Lock God's Word in Your Heart

READ this important message to the end and I'll show you how to memorize your first Bible verse in LESS THAN 1 MINUTE!

YES! This will work for you...

even if you think you have a bad memory

If you think everyone else understands the Bible but you...or that...there must be a better way to READ God's word...

You're not alone!

It's the most common fear of Christians who read the Bible.

And my biggest frustration until God led me on a journey to show me a different way to... 

  • See how the Bible is more RELEVANT to life today
  • Use VISUAL MNEMONICS to instantly remember important and favorite verses on demand

This will work for you...

(Even if you think you have a bad memory)

Before I share with you the system, let me tell you a bit about myself.

I'm Drake Mariani. Born in 1943, I became a follower of Jesus Christ  when I was 21.

I live near the "House of Mouse" (Disneyland) north of Anaheim, California with my wife Gina.

We married in 1965 and have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.

You probably found me after reading one of my Bible reading plans on YouVersion or

Plans like Hope, Anger, Trust, God's Promises for The Hungry Heart, Courage, Proverbs To Remember, Satan's Lies - God's Replies etc.

Why did I write them? To help people apply Scripture in their everyday lives! Each plan includes verses from MemLok. 

Drake and Gina Mariani

In fact, I was amazed to learn recently YouVersion recognized MemLok for having 13 Million people not only started, but COMPLETED one of my 37+ Bible reading plans. This has been truly amazing God has used me in this way. Thank you Lord!

Also, over 250,000 people in over 120 countries have subscribed and received email messages each week where I share God's Word through my Bible memory ministry, MemLok.

In case you’re wondering, MemLok is the memory system I developed over 30 years ago and is recognized (and recommended) by top Christian organizations, pastors, schools and universities. Even homeschool educators.

At first, in 1989, I created notebooks with business cards (still a few left!). In late 2015, we released the 
MemLok Mobile app which I'm pleased to say has been downloaded over 100,000 times to a worldwide audience. In 2023, we introduced the MemLok Web App!

How VISUAL MNEMONICS is the Secret To Recalling Scripture

In 1989 I read the Bible verse Acts 13:2. God directed me to study what I now know is called VISUAL MNEMONICS.

This is the science of using visual images to trigger the human brain to store and recall things from memory.

At the time God directed me to “Create images that would trigger my brain to remember Bible verses.” I thought If I could do that, I could create mental shortcuts to memorize the verses I wanted to remember - on demand.

I worked with an artist, and through trial and error we created images which made it really fast and easy to memorize verses. I found the more ridiculous and outrageous the image, the easier it was to remember a verse.

Bible Memory System

"God's Word Changes Hearts"
Choose A Verse A Week
Word Picture Starts You
Review 5 Min A Day
*Six Bible Versions *77 Topics
*700 Verses *Add Your Own

Let's Memorize Matthew 4:19 in Less
Than a Minute

This is an easy example but it shows how this works.

Imagine a duck named Mee. We know the name because it's on the name tag. Mee is coming back from fishing. We know this because of the fishing pole. There is a flock of other ducks following Mee. And we know what they were fishing for because there is a man dangling from the hook.

Take a look at the image below and stack all those visual clues together. Smaller ducks following a bigger duck named Mee who have been fishing for men. This will instantly trigger your memory to say Matthew 4:19, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Some images helped me to just remember the beginning of the verse, while others helped me to remember the entire verse.

Before you think this is the craziest thing you've ever seen, VISUAL MNEMONICS is based in science.

Slowly, I learned the secret formula for creating images with “stickiness”—the type of image that helped a verse STICK in memory.

MemLok is Preferred by Thousands of Christians Worldwide

MemLok has been the Bible memory system of choice and sold to tens of thousands of Christians in over 120 countries.

The SYSTEM is recommended by our friends at YouVersion, the people behind

...and The Navigators, an organization founded in 1933 and recognized as a premiere ministry in helping advance the Gospel. In fact, Hal Jensen at The Navigators said..."...the MemLok system is one of the best I've seen."

Shasta Bible College in Redding, California wrote
"We've used MemLok for years because of verypositive input from our students. It facilitates memorization of Scripture which we feel is important to a Bible college education and cultivates an effective Christian lifestyle.”

Associated Christian Schools International (ASCI) wrote us and said...“The [MemLok] system can easily be used by young children too, its recognized as a proven Bible memory method.”

Scott Lane in Houston, Texas wrote us and said...This is truly the lazy man's way of doing Scripture memory! It's my 350th week using MemLok and it has changed the way I live my Christian Life!! I currently disciple men in 2 small groups in Houston Texas and challenge men regarding Scripture memory to count the cost before starting "Not the $$, but will you dedicate 5-10 minutes 5 days a week for the rest of your life?"

Pastor Jeremy Cox wrote and said…"I started today making my own scripture cards. MemLok Rocks!!! MemLok could easily go for much more than what you pay for it."

Surrey Garden Christian School in Gilbert, Arizona wrote...“We have used MemLok for the whole school, first through 8th grades, for years. We like how students are able to progress at their own pace. Most students learn at least 30 verses a year, with some already knowing over 100 verses in the past 2 years.The parents report back to me that rarely a church sermon is preached that their son or daughter doesn't give them a nudge and say, "I know that verse, Mom and Dad". Thank you for a great program!"

This is not a kid's toy. 

But, MemLok is endorsed by home-school authors and publications such as: Mary Pride, the author and publisher of the "Big Book of Home Learning"...

...and author Christine Field in "A Field Guide to Homeschooling"...

...and of course MemLok is endorsed by the popular website,

So, Here's What To Do Now:

Look...if you're currently satisfied with how you read the Bible and don't want to try something different, then keep doing what you're doing.

I would honestly tell you not to change a thing. Do what works for you and makes you happy.

But, if you want to overcome any stumbling blocks to remembering Bible verses; or you're looking for a guide to reading the Bible so you can recall Bible verses on command; If you want to remember God's word even if you've told yourself for years you have a bad memory and can't remember things...

... here's what I've done for you.

I've put 30+ years of work into this MemLok Bible Memory Suite Bundle. It's everything you could possibly need for you, your friends, and your family...

...and you can have INSTANT ACCESS right now. It includes...

  • No Annual Fee, No In-App Purchases, No Monthly Membership. It's a Special One-Time Price! And, NO ADS.
    Forever Edition. Free Updates For Life!
  • 6 Bible versions: KJV, NKJ, English Standard (ESV), NIV, New American Standard Bible (NASB), New Living Translation (NLT) Coming Soon!
  • FREE Web App! Review Anywhere You Have Internet. It Syncs with your Mobile App! MAC, Windows, Amazon Fire etc.
  • MemLok Bible Memory System Includes Lifetime Licenses for our Windows Edition, Android, and Apple iOS Because Family Members Often Use Different Devices. Mobile Devices Work and Sync Across Platform. 
  • Good for 6 Users with Access to All MemLok Features
  • Use MemLok on Your Mobile Phone, Tablet, or Desktop. Works Offline Too! Pre-Loaded Topics Like Anger, Hope, Love, and Forgiveness.
  •  77 Topics 700 Pre-Loaded Bible Verses.
  • 6 Fun Games to Challenge Yourself and Track Your Progress.
  • 1-Tap Bible Translation Let's You Instantly View Different Bible Translations of the Same Verse.
  • 1-Tap Bible Context Let's You See the Verses Surrounding the Verse.
  • Enter Your Personal Notes (Journal) to Remind You What's Important About That Verse to You.
  • Nearly all Images are explained. All 5 versions. Press the little ? in the upper left.
  • Press the Speaker and Hear the Scripture while you Say or Read it.
  • Share Your Verses with Friends via Social Media, Text or Email.

Save 72%-OFF Right Now

Regular Price: $62.90 | Save $25.90

You'll get ALL 10 ITEMS with this MemLok Bible Memory Suite Bundle:

  • Lifetime License to our MemLok Bible Memory System Shared 5 Forever Edition Apple iOS and Android...
  • 100 Descriptions of God by Drake Mariani
  • Say the Books 92 pages. Learn the Books of the Bible. by Drake Mariani
  • Understanding God by Ian Coates
  • Memorize the Books of the New Testament. One Single Page.
  • 9 Simple Steps to Starting Your MemLok Bible Memory Study Group by Drake Mariani
  • 12 Leadership Secrets for a Successful Bible Study Group by Drake Mariani
  • 7 Tips to Getting Started with Bible Memory in the Classroom by Drake Mariani
  • Days of Creation Coloring Pages
  • FREE Web App! Review Anywhere You Have Internet. It Syncs with your Mobile App! MAC, Windows, Amazon Fire etc.
  • Days of Creation Coloring Pages

No Risk. You-Can't Lose.

100% No-Questions-Asked.

Money-Back Guarantee

I didn't want there to be any doubt in your mind. But just in case you didn't understand what I wrote above, let me say it a different way.

If FOR ANY REASON you aren’t THRILLED and SATISFIED with the MemLok Bible Memory System, just contact me on my direct line at +1 (562) 714-8100 (PST) or email me at within 30 days and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.

What I’m saying is this… don't decide now if MemLok Bible Memory System is right for you. Try it out for ONE FULL MONTH - ABSOLUTELY RISK FREE. And if you don't like it, give me a call.


If the MemLok Bible Memory System doesn't help you overcome any stumbling blocks to remembering Bible verses; if it doesn’t guide you step by step so you can recall Bible verses on command so you could talk with confidence; If it doesn’t take you by the hand and teach you to memorize scripture even when you’ve told yourself you have a bad memory; and if it doesn’t inspire you to keep memorizing more and more verses...

...if it doesn't do for you everything I've promised, I don’t want your money and I’ll gladly give it back. You have nothing to lose! And, 40% of the sale goes to our churches and missions.


YES! Give Me Instant Access!

Regular Price: $62.90 | Save $25.90 

ONLY $37

If you're someone who's actively looking for every possible way to be more alive as a Christian and stand up tall in your walk with God...then I guarantee you'll find MemLok to be one of the most exciting ways of connecting with God and his Word.

Yours in Christ,

Drake Mariani


P.S. You're saving 41%-OFF right now.

Instead of paying $62.90, you'll get instant access to everything right now for ONLY $37.

NOTICE: This is a Limited-Time Offer and may be discontinued without notice.