Tips for Creating Great Images

1. Decide what words will help you "get started" with the "first key words" in the verse. Some people prefer a "whole verse" concept. ie the picture makes you think about what the verse is about.

2. From your mobile device, search the Internet (Google images is great!). I type "Cartoon" before the words I want to find an image for so it will be a bit crazier looking and easier to recall. Some folks just take pictures of objects, people etc and others draw their own.

3. Save the image to your mobile device, usually in Downloads, or perhaps in Images. Remember where you put it. If you use Save AS when you save it, you can rename it to be more memorable and for you to find it.

4. It will be best if you EDIT the image so it measures 300x200. That's called a 3:2 ratio. Picture a business card. That's what it should look like. If you don't have an image editor on your phone, you might want to download from a MAC or Windows program, Edit it there, then send it to your phone. 

Regarding Editing The Image
Before Importing into MemLok

Make the background of the picture WHITE. If you don't do this, the image will have a totally BLACK background. iPhone users might want to buy the Pixelmator mobile app ($5 at this time). The developer says it works great to do some of the stuff explained below.

If you want to COMBINE several pictures to provide more of a HINT - like you see when you press HINT in the mobile app. To do this, you need to use an image editor that will remove the BACKGROUND. This makes the image TRANSPARENT, so you can move them close to one another without covering up one of the pictures. I use GETPAINT.NET a free Windows program.

You may also choose to download and edit the image from your phone. If so, of course, you can use your favorite mobile app from your Playstore or AppStore.

Save As
Save the edited image with a .JPG or .PNG extension.

Email the new image to yourself and open the email on your PHONE.

Save the image to your phone.

5. IMPORT IMAGE TO MEMLOK - Select the button "Import Image", Press GO You will see possibly Downloads, Gallery, Images, My Files or Photos. Go to the one where you know you put the image you got from the Internet.

On the next screen, you will press Import.

6. Open IMPORTED IMAGES. Select the one you imported. 
It will appear at the top of your Create Card screen.

7. Preview it, then save it.