God Has Said “I Choose You!”
By Drake Mariani, Founder, MemLok Bible Memory System

God says "I choose You" Picture the playground. The cool people are the leaders. They want to win. Teams are getting chosen. You hope you don't get chosen last. That time waiting to find out is painful. Then, it happens. You don't even want to play anymore. But you have to. And everyone knows you're the least desirable person. You are crushed. You don't even want to ever go to recess again.
But God . . . Blessed God! He doesn't work that way at all. He made you. He loves what He made. Ha! He LIKES you too! You find this out and you want to be on His team! Then you learn from this set of verses He's been wooing you all along. Setting you up to realize there is HOPE for even you. He knows all about you, still, He calls Your name.
I CHOOSE YOU. Will you join Me?
I knew everything you'd do and think before you were born. But, I've taken care of that through My Son Jesus Christ.
You were kind of shall we say "On the slave market" - a slave to your own addictions and selfish lifestyle.
BUT I've paid the penalty for all that. Join my Team? Now? We win.
Absolutely love this program! I never realized how important it is to memorize scripture! I have made this part of my daily life. Thank you so much for you dedication and faithfulness in helping others by giving us the tools to not only learn and memorize scripture but also to make it interesting and fun! Jonathan
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