Drake Mariani
Founder, MemLok Bible Memory System
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I live near Disneyland in California with my wife Gina. We married in college between our Junior and Senior years. I had a stormy childhood, watching lots of arguments in my home. I was a handful to raise too, since I was quite energetic and mischievous. All the way through high school I was involved in athletics and always tried to be the best at everything I did. I planned on being a successful businessman someday with lots of people working for me. But, no matter what I accomplished, it wasn't enough. Nothing really brought me satisfaction. I always needed a new challenge or I wasn't happy inside.
I just wanted to continue my self-centered lifestyle, even if it meant others were hurt in the process. Me first. That seemed to be my inner goal. I wasn't really sure there was a God when I turned 21. In my heart, I feared there must really be one, but if I admitted it, I knew I was accountable for my lifestyle. That didn't excite me much for certain!
So, I always felt "empty" and unfulfilled. I started realizing it wasn't going to get any better. One evening, as I saw the majestic heavens, I thought. "Maybe there IS a God!" That really worried me because I didn't really think I'd be in very good shape if I had to meet my maker any too soon!
While traveling with a college tennis team, a friend pointed out to me that God loved me and proved it by sending His Son Jesus Christ to earth. The God-Man. He said all other great religious leaders are 6 feet under the earth. Not Jesus. Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw Him months later on 6 different occasions. Even a crowd of 500 saw Him. Certainly not mass hypnotism! He said Christ's disciples and thousands since have died by choice, rather than deny Christ is God the Son. One doesn't die for a lie he argued.
My friend said God's Plan for me couldn't be known because I, like all humans, live a life choosing selfishness, not God.
I had to admit that was totally true in my case.
He said the Bible said that if I died in that condition, I would be separated from God forever. No relationships. None at all. That would be Hell.
I did NOT like what I was hearing.
But, He pointed out the Bible says FORGIVENESS is only available by trusting in the paid penalty (Death), by Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death." Separation from the body is physical death. Separation from God is spiritual death. Also, he said The Bible says, "It is appointed to man to die ONCE, and after this, the judgment."
Finally, he said I couldn't just believe what the Bible said, I needed to put my trust in Jesus. Like putting all my weight on a chair, trusting it would hold me. I needed to sit on it. He related how much Jesus loved me and wanted to become my Lord.
I said, "No Thank You!" So, I lived a terribly rotten life for about another year.
My roommate, Rich, prayed I wouldn't be able to go to sleep, thinking about my eternal future. God answered that prayer. I kept him up for hours, peppering him with all my questions.
I got deeper into sinful living for months. One day, after having a lump in my throat for hours - I didn't know why I was feeling this way - I pulled over to the side of the road and prayed to God. "God, if what Bob said last year is true about Jesus Christ, I want to believe it."
I wanted to change. The Bible calls that repentance. But I couldn't do it alone.
I experienced the 4th truth Bob had told me from the Bible. I had kind of believed him the first time. Jesus Christ loved me, died for me, ROSE, and His victory over death could make it possible for me to experience God's plan: receive forgiveness, and live with God forever (eternal life). He said the Bible says we can KNOW if we're going to go to heaven.
BUT, I had only believed it with my mind, not my heart. Now, I wanted FORGIVENESS. I simply gave my life to the Creator of the universe to do with as He wished. I WANTED TO KNOW GOD PERSONALLY. It wasn't about church.
I was forgiven! "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Romans 10:9,10
Guess what? I had peace in my heart. I realized I was unconditionally accepted forever by God just as I was (not too great a deal for Him, I thought). God gave me a reason to live. I saw everything I did as a way to serve Him. I wanted deep in my heart to stop living selfishly and follow Him.
I became a new person. So much changed. My preferences, my worldview; my "wandering eyes" came to a standstill, my filthy mouth even disappeared by the next day and much more! People who knew me said "This is a Miracle!" This WAS My Personal Miracle directly from God! Now I wanted to do things God's Way, not My Way! Before, I had little desire to change. Now, I wanted to.
The BIGGEST MIRACLE? Having a Personal Relationship with God. I didn't find a religion. I found a relationship! I will be forever grateful for the life God has given me. Besides having peace and assurance of heaven, I also have a healed marriage!
That's why I asked you to read this. God Loves You, just like you are! Nothing is hopeless with Jesus.
And today, I get to help people learn about God's Love for them!
Finally, I have complete confidence that if I died this very minute, I'd immediately be in heaven with the Lord - not because of how I've lived my life, but because Jesus paid for all my sins. I'm forgiven and you can be too!
The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Is this what you want? Don't waste months or years as I did. You might die Today.
The point is, you may not be interested in what I'm saying to you about my journey, but God is longing to have a personal relationship with you. Just tell Him Yes. Right Now.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
PS. Here's a great short video visually making things clearer than I have. The guy's got a great sense of humor.
The "Bridge" Illustration - YouTube
Answer the first question he asks.
Drake Mariani 562-714-8100 PST cell
How Can I Pray For You? Email me. drake.mariani+prayer@gmail.com